Hobby Farm to 2 Good Pubs in Chideock

Hobby Farm campsite to the picturesque village of Chideock

DISTANCE: 2.5 miles
TIME: 1 hour
OVERVIEW: Walk along along footpaths and for the last mile, along a quiet road where cars sometimes may pass. Apart from an initial upward hill, the majority of the walk is flat or slopes downwards.  There are two styles to cross. Please keep dogs on leads where sheep/cattle are in fields.

Check opening times for each pub:

The Clock Inn – https://www.clockchideock.co.uk

The George Inn – https://georgeinnchideock.co.uk

Hobby Farm to Chideock

Description of Walk

This is an easy walk which takes you on the outskirts of Ryall, along Butt Lane to North Chideock and then, by road, to Chideock, where there are 2 good pubs.  The walk brings you out onto the A35 just opposite The Clock Inn. 

From Hobby Farm Campsite field, turn right and go along the path that runs along the side of the field.  Keep going into the wooded area and go through the field which rises slightly and head towards the style half way up.  If you have a dog, you may need to take the gate option which is  just a little way to the right of the style.  Once through this field, head towards the house as displayed in the 1st image and through the gate there.  If sheep are present in either of these fields, please put dogs on a lead.  

Once through the gate, take a right turn and head all the way to the top of the track up a steep hill (with horses at the top to your right). At the top of this lane, you will meet the road and take a left turn towards the village of Ryall.  Go just a short way and you will see a turn off the road to the left with two forks. Take the right lane which is signposted ‘Butt Lane’. This lane (which becomes a footpath) will take you all the way to North Chideock.  Keep going along the lane until the houses disappear and you will then be walking along a tree-lined lane.  Eventually, you will arrive at Butt Farm.  Go over the style which is ahead and slightly to your left and then follow the path all the way down through the field with cattle on one side.

Keep going straight down the hill and you will eventually get to a small brook.  Carry on straight and the lane gently goes upwards and eventually becomes tree-lined until you eventually meet a road.  You are now in North Chideock.  Bear right on this road and walk just a little way until you see a junction.  Turn right here opposite a house with a large arched doorway.

This road will gently meander through North Chideock where you will pass some houses on the left, and the piggery stables too.  Keep going along the road which then goes downwards where you will pass more stables on your left.  Keep going past Chideock Manor.  Next to Chideock Manor is Chideock Martyrs Church.  If open, this is well worth taking a look around the church with its amazing architecture and domed roof.  

Keep going along the road which becomes lined with trees and after a short distance you will emerge and approach North Road in Chideock.  Keep walking towards the church in the distance (obscured for a while).  The end of this road meets the A35 with The Clock Inn opposite where this walk ends.

To get to the 2nd pub, turn left at the church onto the A35 with path and walk down the hill and up again.  The George Inn is on the left side of the road as you head out of the village towards Bridport.